Death abroad

In case your relative dies abroad (even outside EU Member States), but you wish to have a funeral in the Czech Republic, we will ensure his / her transport. It is necessary to comply with the international regulations on the transport of the deceased and also the specifics of the state. We will take responsibility for all the formalities involved in the transport, including the provision of the death certificate. The transportation of the deceased will be secured by car, by air plane, etc. - depending on the situation.

We have secured transportations from: Ukraine, Slovakia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Zanzibar and other.

For more information on the transportations of deceased, please contact us.

Telephone number: +420 603 229 333

For funeral service in English call: +420 603 837 354

Pohřební služba Charon® je dostupná 24 hodin denně, ve všední dny, o víkendech i svátcích. Kontaktujte nás, kdykoliv to Vaše situace bude vyžadovat. Naši proškolení zaměstnanci se postarají o důstojné zaopatření a vypravení pohřbu Vašeho zesnulého.

Veškeré uvedené informace respektují novelu zákona o pohřebnictví č. 193/2017 Sb., která platí od 1. září 2017.