Death in home environment

In case of death in home, contact the ambulance services or a doctor. The deceased must stay on the bed for 2 hours after death. After being examined by a doctor, he / she may be taken care of by our funeral service.

Before the arrival of the funeral service, you have the option to decide whether you shall dress the deceased person for the coffin yourself, or hand it over to our funeral service to provide this service. In the latter case, you shall provide the funeral service with the deceased's clothing and agree on how you wish him / her to be taken care of. For more information on the care of the deceased, please contact us.

Pohřební služba Charon® je dostupná 24 hodin denně, ve všední dny, o víkendech i svátcích. Kontaktujte nás, kdykoliv to Vaše situace bude vyžadovat. Naši proškolení zaměstnanci se postarají o důstojné zaopatření a vypravení pohřbu Vašeho zesnulého.

Veškeré uvedené informace respektují novelu zákona o pohřebnictví č. 193/2017 Sb., která platí od 1. září 2017.