How to stop renting a place in a cemetery?

If you decide to stop renting a grave site in the cemetery, arrive in person (or assign a close person with power of attorney) to the appropriate cemetery administration office. If the urns are stored in the grave, get them picked up in the administration office or our funeral service.

If you are the heir of the grave, it is your duty to maintain the grave place in order. In the event that the tombstone is not inherited, it forfeits after a certain period of time to the city - it must be posted for sale on the official board.

Removal of the tomb (boards, memorials) will be carried out at their own expense or their removal will be carried out under the responsibility of the administration of cemeteries (usually for a fee).

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Veškeré uvedené informace respektují novelu zákona o pohřebnictví č. 193/2017 Sb., která platí od 1. září 2017.